Fairly recently, in the last few months anyway, Symantec's Endpoint Protection (the enterprise desktop anti-virus software) began to tell me every time I opened an app that has changed. This seems like a good idea, right? In many cases it can be. The idea is that it warns you that something about the application has changed and it blocks that app from reaching the Internet until you say it's ok. This can be a good thing, it can warn you when something just isn't right and it can prevent a massive virus outbreak.
But the problem with this approach is that browsers, for example, update so often, most times without asking, that Symantec warns me about Chrome every other day, it seems. When this first started I tracked the version number of Chrome to make sure that it was a Chrome update and not something else, such as an add-on that maybe I hadn't added on. And, as it turned out, it was indeed Google doing some minor update to the browser.
And there's the problem. We become accustomed to the Symantec's pop up and we just accept it. Symantec has become the boy that cries wolf. Sooner or later there will be an exploit to Chrome and I will allow it to happen. I will blindly click OK to the pop because I've stopped looking out for the real wolf.