Working as an engineer in tech I am expected to be precise. I like precise. Precise makes me happy. One of my biggest pet peeves has always been Microsoft's insistence on capitalizing things when I clearly typed it lower-case, on purpose. This is especially irksome in technical writing and even more so when working in Visio, creating diagrams. For instance, I type "ab123" and Microsoft corrects me and changes it to "Ab123".
Nooooooo. I really meant ab123. Really. Literally.
So, I let it, ahem, correct me, and then I change it back. It will usually accept my correction until I type it again elsewhere.
If you're like me, this is infuriating but you've probably accepted defeat and moved on. Well, pet-peeve no more, my friend. I finally found this meddlesome setting. And it is so very simple. I can't believe I've lived like this for so long.
In Visio (or the Microsoft app of your choice), select "File" then "Options" and then click the "Proofing" menu item on the left. Then click the "AutoCorrect Options..." button which will pop a new dialog box and (***angelic music***) this is where the magic checkbox is.
Uncheck "Capitalize first letter of sentences" then rejoice!
Rejoice and be glad! For your suffering is no more.