Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Squawking Printasaurs

I had a brief business meeting yesterday with someone I'd never met before. As normal course of action, we performed the archaic act of the business cards exchange. Sure, I'll keep the business card for no particular reason other than to clutter my already-too-small drawer space. And today, I got around to adding him into my contacts.

Name, business, title, check.

Business address, check.

Email address, check.

Office and cell phones, check and check.

Fax number, check.

Wait, what? Fax number? Hold it right there.Why on earth do I continue to keep fax numbers? I realize there are plenty of businesses that continue to hang on to their squawking Printasaur but I'm not one of them. I can't fathom why anyone does. They are slow, inconvenient to use, produce horrendous quality, and error prone.

No more. From this day forward don't ask me to feed your Printasaur. I won't even save your fax number. It's not worth the 80-bits of storage.

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